This past week we saw Amelia's hand surgeon and eye doctor. Her hand surgeon anticipates some surgery on her pinky when she's done growing. As for the eyes, we will follow up with the eye surgeon in 3 months to probably start patching and discuss possible surgery to correct an issue with coordination of her "v pattern." This means that when she looks up and/or to the side, she loses coordination. Please pray that surgery is not necessary. All surgeries make me nervous, but any surgery on the eyes makes me really nervous!
Her weekly treatment continues on her hands, knees and feet. She still has to wear her braces around the clock, but I took them off so you could see how good her feet look! She loves to play with her feet when they're off, which I love to see, but makes me sad she can't do that all the time. Oh the things we take for granted. But, she doesn't even seem to notice. In fact, regardless if they're on or off, she's trying to crawl!
Despite these complications, we are very optimistic and hopeful for the future! Maybe it's the known vs. the unknown. I remember when I was pregnant with Amelia and the worry over the unknown would at times consume me to the point I could hardly breathe. Now I look at my beautiful baby girl who brings us so much joy, I know everything about her was meant to be and I am beyond thankful for our Amazing Amelia. Now we can move forward and hopefully provide Amelia with the best care possible in light of this diagnosis.
"As far as I am concerned, God turned into good what
you meant for evil." Genesis 50:20
As part of this journey, about a month ago, Nels, Amelia and I were able to attend a Loeys Dietz Syndrome Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. What a blessing that was! We learned more about this disorder, what to look for, and possibly expect in the future. I already feel more confident going into appointments with Amelia, knowing the posibilties.
A very special man, Dr. Dietz! |
Amelia was star struck too! :) |
Dr. Loeys! He held her for a long time...I don't think he wanted to let her go. |
Most importantly, we made some wonderful connections with other parents that are on the same journey, fighting the same fight!
Gretchen! |
When we first found out about LDS, I of course had so many questions, but most importantly I was concerned about the treatment options (or lack of) that we were being given related to Amelia's serious heart condition. Gretchen, the genetics counselor that works with Dr. Dietz at John Hopkins University, contacted me personally! This was our first connection to Dr. Dietz and his expertise, so we were very excited about this. I still remember that first conversation I had with her over the phone. She gave us the information we needed to pass on to our cardiologist...and what good information that was! It saved her life! Needless to say, we are very thankful for Gretchen and her part in our journey!
"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about
everything! Tell God what you need, and
thank him for all He has done. If
you do this, you will experience God's Peace, which is far more wonderful than
the human mind can understand. His Peace
will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Phillipians 4:6-7
If you would like to learn more about LDS, please visit In fact, as you pray for Amelia and our family, pray for the foundation, as well, as they continue to give so much of themselves in educating others about LDS, fostering research and supporting those affected by it. I was reminded again this week of how rare this is. Out of the many doctors and medical staff that have been involved in Amelia's care, her cardiologist has been the only one that knew anything about it. THANK YOU again and again for your prayers and support!